Module documentation

VidStab class

class vidstab.VidStab(kp_method='GFTT', processing_max_dim=inf, *args, **kwargs)

A class for stabilizing video files

The VidStab class can be used to stabilize videos using functionality from OpenCV. Input video is read from file, put through stabilization process, and written to an output file.

The process calculates optical flow (cv2.calcOpticalFlowPyrLK) from frame to frame using keypoints generated by the keypoint method specified by the user. The optical flow will be used to generate frame to frame transformations (cv2.estimateRigidTransform). Transformations will be applied (cv2.warpAffine) to stabilize video.

This class is based on the work presented by Nghia Ho

  • kp_method – String of the type of keypoint detector to use. Available options are: ["GFTT", "BRISK", "DENSE", "FAST", "HARRIS", "MSER", "ORB", "STAR"]. ["SIFT", "SURF"] are additional non-free options available depending on your build of OpenCV. The non-free detectors are not tested with this package.

  • processing_max_dim

    Working with large frames can harm performance (especially in live video). Setting this parameter can restrict frame size while processing. The outputted frames will remain the original size.

    For example:

    • If an input frame shape is (200, 400, 3) and processing_max_dim is 100. The frame will be resized to (50, 100, 3) before processing.

    • If an input frame shape is (400, 200, 3) and processing_max_dim is 100. The frame will be resized to (100, 50, 3) before processing.

    • If an input frame shape is (50, 50, 3) and processing_max_dim is 100. The frame be unchanged for processing.

  • args – Positional arguments for keypoint detector.

  • kwargs – Keyword arguments for keypoint detector.

  • kp_method – a string naming the keypoint detector being used

  • processing_max_dim – max image dimension while processing transforms

  • kp_detector – the keypoint detector object being used

  • trajectory – a 2d showing the trajectory of the input video

  • smoothed_trajectory – a 2d numpy array showing the smoothed trajectory of the input video

  • transforms – a 2d numpy array storing the transformations used from frame to frame

apply_transforms(input_path, output_path, output_fourcc='MJPG', border_type='black', border_size=0, layer_func=None, show_progress=True, playback=False)

Apply stored transforms to a video and save output to file

Use the transforms generated by VidStab.gen_transforms or VidStab.stabilize in stabilization process. This method is a wrapper for VidStab.stabilize with use_stored_transforms=True; it is included for backwards compatibility.

  • input_path – Path to input video to stabilize. Will be read with cv2.VideoCapture; see opencv documentation for more info.

  • output_path – Path to save stabilized video. Will be written with cv2.VideoWriter; see opencv documentation for more info.

  • output_fourcc – FourCC is a 4-byte code used to specify the video codec.

  • border_type – How to handle negative space created by stabilization translations/rotations. Options: ['black', 'reflect', 'replicate']

  • border_size – Size of border in output. Positive values will pad video equally on all sides, negative values will crop video equally on all sides, 'auto' will attempt to minimally pad to avoid cutting off portions of transformed frames

  • layer_func – Function to layer frames in output. The function should accept 2 parameters: foreground & background. The current frame of video will be passed as foreground, the previous frame will be passed as the background (after the first frame of output the background will be the output of layer_func on the last iteration)

  • show_progress – Should a progress bar be displayed to console?

  • playback – Should the a comparison of input video/output video be played back during process?


Nothing is returned. Output of stabilization is written to output_path.

>>> from vidstab.VidStab import VidStab
>>> stabilizer = VidStab()
>>> stabilizer.gen_transforms(input_path='')
>>> stabilizer.apply_transforms(input_path='', output_path='stable_video.avi')
gen_transforms(input_path, smoothing_window=30, show_progress=True)

Generate stabilizing transforms for a video

This method will populate the following instance attributes: trajectory, smoothed_trajectory, & transforms. The resulting transforms can subsequently be used for video stabilization by using VidStab.apply_transforms or VidStab.stabilize with use_stored_transforms=True.

  • input_path – Path to input video to stabilize. Will be read with cv2.VideoCapture; see opencv documentation for more info.

  • smoothing_window – window size to use when smoothing trajectory

  • show_progress – Should a progress bar be displayed to console?


Nothing; this method populates attributes of VidStab objects

>>> from vidstab.VidStab import VidStab
>>> stabilizer = VidStab()
>>> stabilizer.gen_transforms(input_path='')
>>> stabilizer.apply_transforms(input_path='', output_path='stable_video.avi')

Plot video trajectory

Create a plot of the video’s trajectory & smoothed trajectory. Separate subplots are used to show the x and y trajectory.


tuple of matplotlib objects (Figure, (AxesSubplot, AxesSubplot))

>>> from vidstab import VidStab
>>> import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
>>> stabilizer = VidStab()
>>> stabilizer.gen_transforms(input_path='')
>>> stabilizer.plot_trajectory()

Plot stabilizing transforms

Create a plot of the transforms used to stabilize the input video. Plots x & y transforms (dx & dy) in a separate subplot than angle transforms (da).


radians – Should angle transforms be plotted in radians? If false, transforms are plotted in degrees.


tuple of matplotlib objects (Figure, (AxesSubplot, AxesSubplot))

>>> from vidstab import VidStab
>>> import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
>>> stabilizer = VidStab()
>>> stabilizer.gen_transforms(input_path='')
>>> stabilizer.plot_transforms()
stabilize(input_path, output_path, smoothing_window=30, max_frames=inf, border_type='black', border_size=0, layer_func=None, playback=False, use_stored_transforms=False, show_progress=True, output_fourcc='MJPG')

Read video, perform stabilization, & write stabilized video to file

  • input_path – Path to input video to stabilize. Will be read with cv2.VideoCapture; see opencv documentation for more info.

  • output_path – Path to save stabilized video. Will be written with cv2.VideoWriter; see opencv documentation for more info.

  • smoothing_window – window size to use when smoothing trajectory

  • max_frames – The maximum amount of frames to stabilize/process. The list of available codes can be found in See cv2.VideoWriter_fourcc documentation for more info.

  • border_type – How to handle negative space created by stabilization translations/rotations. Options: ['black', 'reflect', 'replicate']

  • border_size – Size of border in output. Positive values will pad video equally on all sides, negative values will crop video equally on all sides, 'auto' will attempt to minimally pad to avoid cutting off portions of transformed frames

  • layer_func – Function to layer frames in output. The function should accept 2 parameters: foreground & background. The current frame of video will be passed as foreground, the previous frame will be passed as the background (after the first frame of output the background will be the output of layer_func on the last iteration)

  • use_stored_transforms – should stored transforms from last stabilization be used instead of recalculating them?

  • playback – Should the a comparison of input video/output video be played back during process?

  • show_progress – Should a progress bar be displayed to console?

  • output_fourcc – FourCC is a 4-byte code used to specify the video codec.


Nothing is returned. Output of stabilization is written to output_path.

>>> from vidstab.VidStab import VidStab
>>> stabilizer = VidStab()
>>> stabilizer.stabilize(input_path='', output_path='stable_video.avi')
>>> stabilizer = VidStab(kp_method = 'ORB')
>>> stabilizer.stabilize(input_path='', output_path='stable_video.avi')
stabilize_frame(input_frame, smoothing_window=30, border_type='black', border_size=0, layer_func=None, use_stored_transforms=False)

Stabilize single frame of video being iterated

Perform video stabilization a single frame at a time. Outputted stabilized frame will be on a smoothing_window delay. When frames processed is < smoothing_window, black frames will be returned. When frames processed is >= smoothing_window, the stabilized frame smoothing_window ago will be returned. When input_frame is None stabilization will still be attempted, if there are not frames left to process then None will be returned.

  • input_frame – An OpenCV image (as numpy array) or None

  • smoothing_window – window size to use when smoothing trajectory

  • border_type – How to handle negative space created by stabilization translations/rotations. Options: ['black', 'reflect', 'replicate']

  • border_size – Size of border in output. Positive values will pad video equally on all sides, negative values will crop video equally on all sides, 'auto' will attempt to minimally pad to avoid cutting off portions of transformed frames

  • layer_func – Function to layer frames in output. The function should accept 2 parameters: foreground & background. The current frame of video will be passed as foreground, the previous frame will be passed as the background (after the first frame of output the background will be the output of layer_func on the last iteration)

  • use_stored_transforms – should stored transforms from last stabilization be used instead of recalculating them?


1 of 3 outputs will be returned:

  • Case 1 - Stabilization process is still warming up
    • An all black frame of same shape as input_frame is returned.

    • A minimum of smoothing_window frames need to be processed to perform stabilization.

    • This behavior was based on cv2.bgsegm.createBackgroundSubtractorMOG().

  • Case 2 - Stabilization process is warmed up and input_frame is not None
    • A stabilized frame is returned

    • This will not be the stabilized version of input_frame. Stabilization is on an smoothing_window frame delay

  • Case 3 - Stabilization process is finished
    • None

>>> from vidstab.VidStab import VidStab
>>> stabilizer = VidStab()
>>> vidcap = cv2.VideoCapture('')
>>> while True:
>>>     grabbed_frame, frame =
>>>     # Pass frame to stabilizer even if frame is None
>>>     # stabilized_frame will be an all black frame until iteration 30
>>>     stabilized_frame = stabilizer.stabilize_frame(input_frame=frame,
>>>                                                   smoothing_window=30)
>>>     if stabilized_frame is None:
>>>         # There are no more frames available to stabilize
>>>         break

Utility functions


Download example shaky clip of ostrich used in README (mp4)

Video used with permission the HappyLiving YouTube channel. Original video:


download_to_path – path to save video to



>>> from vidstab import VidStab, download_ostrich_video
>>> path = 'ostrich.mp4'
>>> download_ostrich_video(path)
>>> stabilizer = VidStab()
>>> stabilizer.stabilize(path, 'output_path.avi')
vidstab.layer_blend(foreground, background, foreground_alpha=0.6)

blend a foreground image over background (wrapper for cv2.addWeighted)

  • foreground – image to be laid over top of background image

  • background – image to over laid with foreground image

  • foreground_alpha – alpha to apply to foreground; (1 - foreground_alpha) applied to background


return combined image where foreground is laid over background with alpha

>>> from vidstab import VidStab, layer_overlay, layer_blend
>>> stabilizer = VidStab()
>>> stabilizer.stabilize(input_path='my_shaky_video.avi',
>>>                      output_path='stabilized_output.avi',
>>>                      border_size=100,
>>>                      layer_func=layer_blend)
vidstab.layer_overlay(foreground, background)

put an image over the top of another

Intended for use in VidStab class to create a trail of previous frames in the stable video output.

  • foreground – image to be laid over top of background image

  • background – image to over laid with foreground image


return combined image where foreground is laid over background

>>> from vidstab import VidStab, layer_overlay, layer_blend
>>> stabilizer = VidStab()
>>> stabilizer.stabilize(input_path='my_shaky_video.avi',
>>>                      output_path='stabilized_output.avi',
>>>                      border_size=100,
>>>                      layer_func=layer_overlay)